Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chick on acid dancing in a cess pool. Enough said.

Another cool concert review I read over the weekend.

This one below is just absolutely hilarious for the picture of the girl dancing in the cess pool of rainwater in hardly anything but mere bikini-

Strange to say the least.

These set of photos are so funny and entertaining. the ting tings is a band ive been meaning to check out because a lot of people who like similar bands i like seem to like them. there's just too many new bands to catch up on and check out and i have so much new music, i cant keep up with it all!

Ting Tings' Katie White
with a cowbell....?

Chick on acid dancing in a cess pool. Enough said.

Yoko Ono called and she wants her look back

Next up MGMT bounded onstage- as the rain began to let up- they played a short but sweet set- and left many with shivers (from the music, not the chill).

Ben was the first one onstage- behind his podium of sound. Showing off some 80s retro style. Whatever's mellow-

Messing Up Metaphors? It was an apple Andrew...Eve ate an apple....

Somewhere in the act, Andrew unfurled a bundle of ladies pink satin underwear (the kind noone asides from your grandma still wears) and unveiled an orange. No one knows the symbolism but it was cute.

What you don't see here is the bassist did a wicked kick of the beachball- while still playing. impressive.

Too cool for school. Are those grills on his necklace? or fake dentures?

An intimate moment amongst thousands....