we've met with the florist, Laurie, a second time, she kept us there over an hr and the first time it was two hrs. she is something of a nitemare in that she rambles and just when you make a decision, she throws out a whole bunch of new options and knit-picks the tiniest details leaving you feeling stressed, frustrated, and overwhelmed.
we had made the decisions for the most part in the first meeting, a TWO HOUR long meeting, and when we went back this past wkend, for a second meeting...she decided she wanted to go over every single idea that i had pointed out as "pretty" from our first meeting a few mos ago!!! unf***ing believable!! both jimmy and i just looked at each other, almost laughing knowing we were trapped.
laurie would not hear of the fact that we knew what we wanted NOW and went thru every single thing we had said we liked as a possibility from that first meeting. we made headway but we felt she made everything more complicated and decided that we need yet another meeting with her. she is stretching out her time with us for as long as she can and decided to save the 3rd meeting to draw up a new contract for us.
btw, we've stuck with the same bouquets for the wedding party and boutonnieres for all, like i had expressed in an entry a while back.
we experimented with the bowls jenni let us use, with stones and water and floating candle and just added an order of three different colored orchid blooms to have float over each floating candle bowl. there should be approx. 8 bowls to 8 tables.
we decided on a floral arrangement of different orchids for the head table of wedding party. possibly an autumn inspired centerpiece for reception table like pic i shared previously in od. or something with butterfly on it as display
quick picture of experimental clear bowl where u put rocks, petals and floating candles in with water. in my pix below there is no water in bowl, and orchid blooms are MISSING, so just imagine what it might look like, pretend there's water and petals floating on top LOL

...and for the altar we are leaning towards a mix of gladiolas in a coral color, orchids and other misc floral as filler, but it's not definite yet.
along the aisles there may be bows of ivory tulle or satin to decorate every few rows with a small 3-rose arrangement with ivy in the chapel where our marriage ceremony will take place with pastor.
here were some ideas i brought to florist this past wkend, printed off weddingchannel.com just for ideas of style and color in flowers + wedding trends. this seemed to make her more frenzied and more scattered. it was her who told me to bring even the vaguest ideas in, via picture to give her a better hold on my personality and style except that caused her to go into overkill mode and lose focus. jimmy said i ought to have not brought any of it in because it only seemed to add to her hyperactivity and her odd ability to keep us there for an incredibly lengthy period of time over something that seems like it should be so simple LOL
Altar Ideas:

btw, this is her card, note the motto. it's so NOT true. the reverse is true- we do all the work and she has all the fun LOL
its sooo hilarious in a sarcastic way. heh
its sooo hilarious in a sarcastic way. heh
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