jimmy took me to see this a few yrs ago for my birthday in the theater for a special 3D showing. he is a huge tim burton fan. i admit i hadnt seen it or much of his films at that time. i LOVED it. it was winsome charming, sad/sweet, magical, unique. i think it is something she will love. she loves quirky funny characters that are sometimes sad. she is amused by funny weird characters and i just think if she hasn't seen this, she will enjoy it. so we got it, jimmy gave me some money towards it but i paid for most of it as my main gift to her :) i hope to see this again with alexcia sometime soon!

I just think that crooked little big face on cover is so quirky and adorable!!!!
I saw this a few months ago at Target and KNEW I had to get this for alexcia. she LOVES pampering her boo boo's and goes to great lengths to let everyone know when she is hurt by showing us her bandaids.
Sometimes her boo boo is really not as bad as she makes it and i think she just likes the attention or nurturing she might get from people around her. i don't think this is unusual cos i've noticed and heard that other kids her age [her peers] do this. her daddy is always getting annoyed at her + downplaying her feelings, getting irritated when she wants a bandaid or puts one on. i realize he doesnt like waste and he's anal and all that but he does diminish her feelings when he does this and both my mom and me always jump to alexcia's defense, fight with him just to get her feelings acknowledged. so..anyway, i hope my brother doesnt get annoyed at me for buying this, i think he will make a sarcastic remark when he sees it- but OH WELL, its my gift, he can't control what i want to give, and my mom was all for this gift and said to ignore him and buy it for her.
As anyone who knows my niece from the start, she has loved NEMO since a tiny tot and its a film we watched together numerous times when it first came out. and yes until her i never really watched cartoon films or that type of stuff. but she's changed me, i now see it differently. it was smart, funny, adults can relate, and really moving that its a relationship between father and a son that is without a mother. about love and lettting go and touching. so we love nemo and its one thing we can both think of and bring up and it makes us feel close. its part of our bond, that memory.
So this is what i got her in reference to NEMO :D

i love nemo, he's so cute :)
how can you not love him?

it's a bit blurry but notice the description on bottom, she will love this: "For fast relief from boo-boos, bumps and bruises"

you may notice on the left hand side is the cutest japanese character stuffed animal bag holder named DOMO- both jimmy and i couldnt resist this. he bought this for alexcia himself :)
i love this cute character cos it looks funny and odd, i want one for myself!! as we all know, alexcia is a sweet tooth and sugar addict and since halloween is coming, all the halloween promotions are beginning to trickle out. this was one of them as it has a big bag of candy, a whole bunch of candy bracelets with cute little domo creatures hanging from it. ADORABLE. another thing for daddy to complain about. haha.

there is absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that alexcia will LOVE having bandaids of her favorite cartoon character spongebob. I considered buying it with the nemo cold compress however hesitated cos my brother might get mad at me for getting this. i told this to jimmy. he actually urged me to buy it regardless of the fact that it will drive my bro anthony CRAZY. plus it was on sale. jimmy just felt she would love this so much, so i got it!

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