(in praise of Barack Obama)
I've never felt as politically involved or as patriotic as I do tonight. The anticipation felt while watching the states and electorial votes pile up for Barack Obama was so exciting! We started watching at seven pm eastern time thru MSNBC so we would not miss a thing. We watched til after one am eastern time. We watched the crowd and speeches which were so incredibly moving and beautiful.
Even more moving were the people in the crowd [with TEARS in their eyes, crying. Jesse Jackson crying and later at the speech, Oprah crying] at Grant Park in Chicago [a place I am familiar with because I used to live there]. Our friend in chicago, called us briefly from Grant Park to tell us he was there. This made everything even more exciting!
Watching the people as they announced Obama to be the next President of the United States was something to behold and when this was revealed, it was one of the most touching displays in my entire life and both my fiance and I were in complete awe. I felt myself holding my breath and touching my heart. It was monumental. Even jimmy got tears in his eyes.
I got all choked up thinking what this will mean for society, the world, human rights, banishing prejudice and racism, conquering oppression. This is one of the reasons why I felt so moved. I knew what the people crying must be thinking and feeling. I felt so moved by watching them.
How FAR our world has come! It is both amazing and awe inspiring to watch any form of oppression disintegrate. But this one, I can feel, is going to be especially significant to a great many people who deserve THIS. It's so rewarding and refreshing to see these old ways falling into the cracks and people uniting to take a stand and make a change that could effect the whole world.
Finally, we don't have to look to our leader as a joke and with utter disdain and anger, anymore. Finally we can have a President whom we can see as a role model and can inspire our hearts and minds. Someone who isn't the butt of every single joke or story we see him in through news and media. It almost seems weird NOT to laugh or get pissed off at our President [Bush] seeing the long and blinding road he has taken us down and the damage he has inflicted upon our nation.
It feels like our country finally has a chance. I am proud to say that I voted for Barack Obama, was never undecided, and knew since the start of the campaign who I was voting for and who I believed in.
I cannot even express how happy I am, how happy both my fiance and I are over the final outcome! Obama even won our state which was pretty surprising due to the fact that this state tends to be overrun/controlled by Republicans!
I will never forget this day or the beautifully crafted speech Obama gave upon learning of his victory. I kept thinking through it all, 'I can't believe it really has happened. I can't believe this is happening. Seems too good to be true." It felt something like a dream, surreal, unreal. I mean, I had faith Obama would win but based on past elections, I felt uncertain what the turn out would be as in the past things seemed more than a bit fishy and corrupt.
That said, this was positively a joyous end to a wonderfully exciting and heated presidential campaign. What an amazing victory and a powerful night!
This will be transformative for our nation. It's time to join hands, unite as one people, and move forward together towards a brighter light.
I have never felt so touched in my life especially in regard to politics. This was extremely significant to all of our lives. It's about breaking down barriers, removing the shame of Bush so we can have pride in our country again and it is most definitely a history making moment that most will never forget. Obama's presence, depth, wisdom gives us something to believe in. It's time to rebuild our nation from the bottom up. Rise from the ashes, America. Hope is here now and it's time to change our world for the better!
Yes, We CAN!
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