see pix in aveda haircut entry.
I live in a state that is warm most of the year and I don't deal well with cold snaps or unexpected temperature drops. I enjoy the cold but am finicky and like it to be gradual, predictable, and expected so I am prepared and because my body does not adjust to temp change or very cold weather very well. It seems to resist. I did not expect it to get this cold right before or on my wedding which is nearly a week away today. Neither of us did. I expected light chill, maybe 60's but it dropped to 40's 50's and even 30's the last few days over here and freeze warning came into effect for outer areas around us in fact. this would not be such a huge deal IF i wasn't wearing a strapless wedding gown without nylons, stocking, wearing high heel open toed sandals, that are meant for summer weather, warm weather. when i bought my gown, the style i bought was what was most in season. and the lady seemed to suggest that long sleeved gowns or even short sleeved ones were a thing of the past and ALL brides wore strapless. in truth, i never wanted a strapless, i feel far too unconfident in my body and looks and its uncomfortable but it was all i had to choose from. i'd have preferred a short sleeve, halter or spaghetti strap as opposed to strapless but there were none when i made my purchase. now i notice at david's bridal far more flattering vintage style gowns which i would have chosen over this and also ones where your arms are covered. oh well, you live and you learn haha. i'm not complaining just i never anticipated this drop in weather or this cold front. never envisioned it once. even with sweater i bought at fossil last week, i do not think i would be warm enough. i have tiny small bones and i am the type of girl who is always cold, more so than others. we were supposed to take pix at a beach by sunset prior to our wedding ceremony with professional photographer but unless it warms up a bit , im not sure i can handle that as the beach near water is way colder than on land and we are not even near the water where we live. and ive been positively freezing these days.
it is supposed to be in the seventies by the weekend. here's hoping it will stay that for wedding day but FL is unpredictable and it could change at any moment. also my fiance's bro in seattle flies in on tuesday nite and we have to pick him up and have him stay here. his parents alerted us to this last nite. we did not know he would be staying here, just til wed. to go to wedding rehearsal and then he will go with my fiances parents far out where they live. it just would have been nice to know. id have liked an apt where it is just US the next wk when things are going to truly be stressful and crazy. now i have to worry about an intensive clean up of every room in this place, put away personal projects/things i normally have laying around and hope he doesnt snoop on my computer/email since everything i have personally is out in the open. i hate not having privacy or having visitors/guests. i feel like i have to put on an act and cannot relax the way i normally do. it feels restrictive and its certainly the last thing i wanted to be stressed over so close to the wedding. this just makes things much more stressful. we already have a lot of projects to finish for our wedding this week and weekend and now were going to have to add cleaning the entire apt from top to bottom. believe me we have a lot of stuff and weve let it go due to being so busy with wedding upcoming. this just puts a major dent in things. sigh....
on top of this post are some pix from over the wkend - when we had a final meeting with wedding chapel and reception hall coordinator Janice and then meeting at starbucks with minister to discuss final vows, poems etc. My mother is reading song of solomon for ceremony [i posted several mos ago the vows we chose - will share this more entirely after we make our wedding program, we will be doing this in next few days btw] also j's nephew g. is reading one of our favorite love poems, actually it was my suggestion as that is how i view love and how i want to be loved. i dug it out of this very diary as i had it privately saved. one of my fave romantic poems of all time- 'i carry your heart' by e.e. cummings.
(pix were taken at the place our wedding will be held- taken on nov. 16, 2008)

I hate how bright the sun was glaring in most of these days because I couldn't keep from squinting and I feel like it makes me look unflattering. And it was windy so when I put my hair down [which was still a little damp from showering], it didn't look very good and made my hair look flat. Other than that I loved the pix and the ones with Jimmy and I were definitely my favorites and came out really nice :)
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