As everyone is aware my wedding is quickly approaching - a matter of weeks- and I am up to my eyeballs in to do lists, projected things that must be completed before the BIG wedding day which will be rolling around thanksgiving weekend. Not to mention finalizing ALL remaining unfinished things, tying up loose ends, and the WORKS.
I've got two salon appts for professional Aveda hair cut and color and eyebrow waxing appt, as well as trial run of updo formal bridal hairstyle and experiment of make up look for wedding day as well.
Trust me, we have so much i couldn't possibly explain. I also have two more alteration appts and it is an hour away to drive there and can only be done on wkdays- in the next two or three wks. plus have to meet with cake person, caterer, wedding chapel wedding planner, and minister sometimes before wedding in ADDITION to everything i have just mentioned and i know i AM indeed forgetting something else important but trying to think of it all makes my asthma worse and tightens my chest so I will save it for later LOL
I want to write a review of things bordering on current to nostalgia but time is NOT on my side. So this little teaser entry with a few pix of my desk top where I have my computer and office - where I type my diary entries and go to write online or to simply surf the net.
I love little vibrant knick knacks that give hints of my personality. I think even this tiny background on my desk shelf top [which isn't even a photo of the entire area] does a good job of showing something of my own personality here :)
Til I can share our wedding shower pix and more current things - please enjoy these few i took with very cute quirky and unique cake topper we got from the shower j's mom threw us and the whipcreamed publix cake she got us which was absol. delcious. will refresh everyone on shower when i actually do post all the pix from that day which took place at the beginning of last month. i had over a hundred pix and so that is why i havent had enough time to pull an entry to share these pix. i do prefer putting my real pix in the real entry rather than giving out links. i feel that impersonal and most people do not have time to click on a link of someone's random pix LOL Id rather share directly, as I go, so that is how I do it here!
So here you go!
The cake topper from shower cake- thought it was cute so placed it on my desk top of computer with all other knick knacks, came out adorable-
I've got two salon appts for professional Aveda hair cut and color and eyebrow waxing appt, as well as trial run of updo formal bridal hairstyle and experiment of make up look for wedding day as well.
Trust me, we have so much i couldn't possibly explain. I also have two more alteration appts and it is an hour away to drive there and can only be done on wkdays- in the next two or three wks. plus have to meet with cake person, caterer, wedding chapel wedding planner, and minister sometimes before wedding in ADDITION to everything i have just mentioned and i know i AM indeed forgetting something else important but trying to think of it all makes my asthma worse and tightens my chest so I will save it for later LOL
I want to write a review of things bordering on current to nostalgia but time is NOT on my side. So this little teaser entry with a few pix of my desk top where I have my computer and office - where I type my diary entries and go to write online or to simply surf the net.
I love little vibrant knick knacks that give hints of my personality. I think even this tiny background on my desk shelf top [which isn't even a photo of the entire area] does a good job of showing something of my own personality here :)
Til I can share our wedding shower pix and more current things - please enjoy these few i took with very cute quirky and unique cake topper we got from the shower j's mom threw us and the whipcreamed publix cake she got us which was absol. delcious. will refresh everyone on shower when i actually do post all the pix from that day which took place at the beginning of last month. i had over a hundred pix and so that is why i havent had enough time to pull an entry to share these pix. i do prefer putting my real pix in the real entry rather than giving out links. i feel that impersonal and most people do not have time to click on a link of someone's random pix LOL Id rather share directly, as I go, so that is how I do it here!
So here you go!
The cake topper from shower cake- thought it was cute so placed it on my desk top of computer with all other knick knacks, came out adorable-

More Bridal Shower Pix from October, in a future entry when I find adequate time.
Stay tuned for this---
By the way, I've had very little time for anything aside from getting ready for our wedding this month. Sorry I am behind on everything!!!
More soon!
Note to fiance + my self (for wedding):
I prob forgot other things but that is what is in my head and to keep from becoming scattered, more stressed, OR to avoid screwing our wedding up, I feel it necessary to list things that has to be done this week right now so u can refresh your mind and realize the place where are at. and so u can organize your own order of things in your own list at your work desk or at home.
I am calling attention to all things needed to work on in regard to wedding as well as other current things in life.
I have tried to stay focused and to the point. My list is under ten items we need to focus on. I think I did a good job of keeping it simple!
1. Our Photo collage
Reminder : decide on photo collage, the one I created expires soon- I think this week.
So, we should finish our Wedding Reception Photo Collage by tomorrow, but think we should work on it some tonite and finalize the photos we will use and order it ASAP. I do not know how long it takes to make and print and we want to have enough time for it to arrive, in case something was wrong with it and it had to be returned and because we will need to also buy a frame to frame it in appropriate for a wedding!
Just a heads up on something I meant for us to do last wkend that we forgot about, Also we need to contact the minister today and ask when the LATEST is for him to have our vows and what he precisely needs so we can check it OFF our list and have less stress!!!
2. Head count finalized by tomorrow.
3. Final choice of music and finding out parents choice dance songs with us by tomorrow or mid week.
4. Order Floating Candles via website
5. Call Minister, send our vows today IF we have what he needs right now!!!! We need to get all of this done so we can start making a wedding program roughdraft in order to get those printed SOON otherwise we are going to run out of time. We only have a few wks til our wedding left, time is getting very very tight. Need to tie up these tiny but intricate loose ends to keep everything organized and to have a stress free wedding week and day!!
Here is a copy and paste of those wedding vows, you need to send off to Minister, don't send til u are sure we are providing him with everything he needed though. This is why you should really CALL him today so we can get to the direct point of things, finish it, and get it out of the way. the more we get done, the less stress there will be.
Being pro-active eliminates DOUBLE or TRIPLE work, and makes things go smoothly, eliminating unnecessary stress.
If all he needs are these vows I have had for six months typed already and you have had a copy in your email box for same amount of time, then we could have sent this months ago and saved ourselves wasted time, energy and additional stress. Just a siggestion.
The less you procrastinate, the easier everything is. It is the way I operate when I feel overwhelmed by too many things and too much stress. I find it very helpful and recommend my advice to you because it really really works!
For Wedding Ceremony- from book, these are the ones I liked most:
[below is my most favorite and only favorite as there was nothing else to me that was as beautiful as the one below. this particular vow is probably a fairly traditional style of wedding vow but i prefer this one the most out of everything because all the words are completely indicative of what marriage and love should include and involve.]
I, Jimmy, take you, April, to be my partner in life./ I promise to walk by your side forever,/ and to love, help and encourage you/ in all you do./ I will take time to talk with you,/ listen to you,/ and to care for you./ I will share your laughter and your tears/ as your partner, lover, and best friend./ Everything I am and everything I have is yours/ now and forevermore.
I, April, give myself to you, Jimmy,/ on this our wedding day./ I will cherish our friendship,/ and love you today, tomorrow and forever./ I will trust you and honor you./ I will love you faithfully/ through the best and worst,/through the difficult and the easy./ What may come, I will be there always./ As I have given you my hand to hold,/ so I give you my life to keep.
Ring Exchange Vows [either number one or two]:
1. April, this ring is a token of my love./ I marry you with this ring,/ with all that I have and all that I am.
Jimmy, I will forever wear this ring/ as a sign of my commitment/ and the desire of my heart.
2. You are more precious to me today than yesterday,/ and you will be more cherished tomorrow than you are today./ Please wear this ring/ as a symbol of my eternal love for you,/ a love that transcends all of our yesterdays,/ all of our todays,/ and all of our tomorrows.
Prayers/Blessings [i think Jimmy preferred no. one and thought the second one was a little tacky]
1. May God bless you with Hope enough to keep sunshine in your love, and Fear enough to keep you holding hands in the dark; Unity enough to keep your roots entwined, and Separation enough to keep you reaching for each other; Harmony enough to keep romance in your song, and Discord enough to keep you tuning your love so it becomes sweet music to all who may hear it.
2. May these two rings symbolize the spirit of undying love in each of your hearts. Wherever you go, may you always return to one another in your togetherness. May the home you establish be such a place of peace and joy that many will find there a friend. May your love for each other be as a pebble dropped in a pond of water. Like the ripples in the water that cross and recross one another's, may your love touch and retouch all those around you throughout your life together.
6. Go to get your famous footwear shoes, decide on Best Buy groomsmen lunchbox/dvd gifts same day
Go to sephora BEFORE wed. of this week to pick up bday free gift, also look for bridesmaid something unique in price range for shannon and jenni while we are at sephora. Look at Ban. Republic + American Eagle, Limited, Express at THAT mall to make sure they do not have a better sweater for wedding gown day that I can buy or any sales on same day. if Nothing, go to Gap in same mall to buy sweater I wanted and use 15 dollar off coupon towards that purchase.
7. Lenscrafters:
Remember have to pick up clear contacts this week also. I do not know when but that's in countryside mall, at latest should get by weekend.
8. Use Michael's coupon this week to get discount and buy what is needed towards wedding, some butterflies to bring to put on floral at wedding, maybe??
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