i have to say that we thoroughly enjoyed the new christian slater spy intrigue show.
'my own worst enemy' almost has a sci-fi feel to it. and often i flashbacked to one of my favorite films when i was younger, La Femme Nikita [and maybe a bit like the professional but not exactly]
the new show also made me think of dean koontz, something about it made me think about one of my fave books by him from my teenage years- 'watchers' the one where the govt experiments with dogs by implanting a chip and controlling them - i think with intent for evil. can't remember exactly cos i read that nearly twenty yrs ago, i can't believe i just said that. time flies so fast, it somex seems unreal to me.
[huge christian slater/ heathers/ and i remember me and bros recording "gleaming the cube" off cable that skateboarding film before slater was known, a bit of a b-movie thriller which i loved for the longest time. thought so cool since it reminded me of people i hung around [skaters/new wave/ alternative] in high school and all my friends were into that one as well. another one i loved that was a cable movie that was on the bside, but is one of my all time fave films- and i'd like to get it one day LOL- i loved it. but have never been able to find it as it wasn't really popular 'billy jean" but i loved the premise of it, how the lead female character became a heroine and fought for justice, a modern take on joan of arc, or something like that?
honestly, not much of spy intrigue fan- notice a lot of ALIAS fans like it thus far. but never was an ALIAS fan but remember my dad being and think this show is right up my dad's alley since its one of his favorite genres.
i mean, when i was younger, i think i did watch and read more stuff like that was spy intrigue oriented cos i was very influenced by my dad's taste- i remember how obsessed he was with all the james bond films back in the day [still is] LOL
this show kinda had a sci-fi feel to it or could possibly be scifi related due to the experiment with brain and split personality plot of the show.
for most part, i am definitely not a huge sci-fi person but there are certain types of films i have liked [only a few] that were scifi like but more on the futuristic side- blade runner, lost city of children, 12 monkeys, the handmaid's tale ETC
..altho there was a film out not long ago and raved about- but i can't recall the name. anyone know? it is the futuristic one about saving the human race and how there is only one woman on earth who can bear a child to save the world and is fertile. i thought it was completely stupid and didn't get what was so great about that one. i thought it was So overrated and didnt get it!!!!! (OH it was Children of Men)
Sci-fi is hit or miss with me- not really into fantasy [renaissance oriented or otherwise] genre either. most of the time, i do not get it and think its hokey, fake, tacky. j's the same way, thank god.
i mean, some of the new slater show on first impression was a bit tacky but the genre IS what it is, and its not always realistic. it isn't the type of show we watch generally and this season we are not invested in any shows that fit this category so its a refreshing change and nice break from our typical tastes!
the first ten to twenty mins, we were uncertain if we could get into it but after that time had passed, it quickly began to accelerate - twist and turn with suspense and unexpected plot turns. that was one of strong points of the show. it kept you guessing and trying to figure it all out and at times it did surprise you in a satisfying way.
we found ourselves kind of mesmerized, on edge, waiting eagerly for next scene. sure bits and pieces were a little cheesy, i mean, that it looked unreal and wasn't believable but for a fictional show, its entertaining and worth watching. i also enjoyed slater's dialogue/ wit, sarcasm and sly humor inserted into the show and some of the dialogue that hinted at existentialism and deep philosophical ideas.
the best part were the twist and turns. the only complaint i think i had was it was a bit shocking in that it was heavy in violence and felt like something u might see on cable tv NOT primetime although i realize it was 10pm. i commented several times to my fiance [and he agreed] that it was quite violent considering it was on regular tv.
i feel shocked sometimes at how much is shown on tv these days, a lot of it i feel inappropriate and have very mixed feelings . not good for children or even young adults. but that's just how i feel. i think the world is filled with too much violence and i can see several reasons why. one of this being the way shows are now overthetop.
ten yrs ago it was not to this level of 'intensity'. this does disturb me and im sorry if thats taboo or old fashioned but i truly believe too much of anything is BAD and when you become lax with how much violence/sex is on prime time tv, that is when people began to become desensitized and the whole world falls apart because values are lost. this is sadly what i notice anymore. i sometimes wonder if everyone else around me just chooses to be blind. i don't talk of this often, cos its not a popular view and people do not want to hear the truth or realize the reality of things. ignorance can be bliss.
anyway...overall im pleased with monday's new cbs show 'my own worst enemy' and look forward to next wk's epsiode!
i've been looking for a good new show this season cos i am getting really bored of the same old reality type shows we tend to watch. i mean i enjoy most of the ones we watch and they are good 'forget about life and stress' distractions however i like variety and lately it just feels predictable, stagnant, and drab. i get bored easily and sometimes i just want something new to get excited about!
so , we were really pleased to discover this. my fiance is a huge baseball [and football- YUCK- there nothing i hate more than football in the ENTIRE world] fan so he's been watching his games every nite cos i guess its really important right now. i dont know, i could care less about sports, i usually go on my computer, surf net or write if he turns that on. sometimes i look at my magazines and do projects on the floor while he is watching depending on how i feel. ive been too tired lately to do much in terms of relaxing and hobbies.
we are behind on a lot of the shows we typically watch during the work week but all of them are on our dvd-r. so we watched the new christian slater debut last nite even though it aired/recorded on monday as he had taken the whole nite to watch his game. he took all last nite to watch as well but i was ok with that since i had things i wanted to do by myself in my office and so much other projects i am working on, goals, chores and the like. and - plus i only agreed to it if he'd compromise and watch one half hour UK comedy show on IFC and then the new slater drama show we'd recorded which took up an hr. he obliged and so it was all good! :)
I realize slater's voice is like a copycat of jack nicholson's voice, or a younger jack. but it doesn't bother me. truthfully i used to love him. as a teenager, he used to be one of my top favorite actors- ive had many of those but he was one of my most monumental [fave] stars as an adolescent. i still like him. and yes, i know his character is typical of many characters he has played in past films. but i don't care. there are tons of great actors, charismatic ones who are typecast. its just the way it is!
Here's review from Entertainment Weekly [which I subscribe to- the magazine] on the new Slater show if you have not heard of it yet or are interested on hearing more and what other people who checked it out are saying after series premiere this week!
Oct 14, 2008, 09:08 AM by Mandi Bierly
Watching the premiere of My Own Worst Enemy — NBC's Christian-Slater-has-a-split-personality drama — I finally understood how audience testing could screw a pilot: If I were holding a dial that measured how much I liked each moment of the hour, the results would look hillier than San Francisco.
First episodes are always tricky because large amounts of exposition can be tiresome. Make it a high-concept show that can't actually tell you anything (at least not until the final minutes), and it can be even more frustrating because you're constantly wondering if the payoff will be worth the wait... Without someone like Slater in the lead(s), I wouldn't have had the patience. But I'm glad he got me to stick around. And he'll keep me coming back.
The first moment that got me to sit up in my seat, and do one of those surprised-me! coughs you always see in movies, was, of course, when Edward, Slater's secret agent personality, shot (in the head) the woman he'd just bedded after she tried to kill the pillows him. I wrote "KINDA AWESOME" in my notes, but I think that's just because I'm sick of seeing women in their bras and/or panties in pilots this fall (Fringe, Eleventh Hour), and because after Edward uttered a line like, "Don't let an act of deception turn into an act of self-deception," I was craving violence. The moment I decided to give this series a serious chance, however, was when Mavis (Alfre Woodard), the boss of Edward's LA-based super-secret agency, told his alter-ego Henry, the suburban dad, that Henry was the personality that had been manufactured. Now the mystery is (A) Why would Edward sign up for this "program" (and don't feed me that bullcrap about doing it because you don't want to, to prove free will), (B) why does this program even exist (I'm guessing it's not because big bads, like this episode's Uzi, are all so willing to accept that the man who's been hunting them for 10 years is actually two people), and (C) why can't Henry be erased from Edward's mind (does Edward not want to let him go)?
Now that Henry is aware of Edward, the fun should begin in earnest, meaning we won't have to sit through another scene of Henry not understanding why he's being tortured and screaming "Don't you think I'd remember that [trying to kill you slowly]?" when a normal person would be yelling, "But I'm an [insert occupation]!" Instead, we'll just get Henry trying not to get killed when he awakens in Edward's world, and, fingers crossed, judging him some more. That "What a dick" line when Henry first stumbled into Edward's walk-in closet was classic. And we'll see Edward slapping the ass of Henry's wife and satisfying her so much sexually that she comes to rival Rachael Ray in the kitchen (cooking breakfast is her way of saying thank you and wow).
So, did the pilot do enough to hook you? What's your early theory about "the program?" And do you prefer scenes with Henry, Edward, or Hedward (when they're communicating important information, like "There's a difference between driving somebody's car and driving somebody's wife" through taped messages)?
More on 'My Own Worst Enemy':
My Own Worst Enemy
Christian Slater stars as a man given a split personality in NBC's new spy drama My Own Worst Enemy, which renders him part superspy (Edward), part family guy (Henry). Here is a quick summary of fall's most adventurous new series: Edward is a fluent-in-13-languages operative who can snap your neck in a snap. Henry is a strategic management consultant who excels at...well, Excel. These two are nothing alike — except that they're the same guy, because a secret government organization ''manifested a divergent identity dormant in the sealed-off portion of the medial temporal lobe, creating a split personality.'' Henry isn't supposed to know about Edward, but thanks to a glitch in the program, he's waking up in strange countries in the middle of Edward's missions. Now Henry and Edward must work with each other to ensure survival. "They have to learn how to deal with the consequences of one another's actions, but don't always know what those actions are," says series creator Jason Smilovic. He recruited more Enemy combatants, including Yes, Dear's Mike O'Malley to play Henry's wiseass work buddy, Tom, Alfre Woodard (Desperate Housewives) as Mavis, Edward's enigmatic boss, and Saffron Burrows (Boston Legal) will play Norah, Henry's therapist.
If Enemy can crack the code of appealing to mythology-obsessed geeks and casual TV watchers who simply want compelling emotional drama, NBC entertainment co-chairman Ben Silverman believes that the series "can absolutely be a huge piece of the puzzle" to help the struggling Peacock return to Nielsen glory.
Delon Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 07:16 AM EST
I liked it. It was better than Fringe.
monica Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:30 PM EST
i thought it was awesome when we found that Henry was the fabricated one. that's hard to take.
bb Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 08:39 PM EST
I really liked it. The thought that your whole life has been fabricated as a cover for the REAL you, is just awesome.
Sadie Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 07:37 PM EST
Ok...I dvr'd this and just watched it tonight. I'm glad I did. Not only am I totally crushing on Christian AGAIN! but I love the concept of the show! It reminds me of La Femme Nikita. Bring it on and for heavens sake, DON'T CANCEL IT!
Jen in WI Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 05:41 PM EST
I just watched Inside the Actor's Studio, Slater was the guest and to how he describes the show made me think that the 'company' is a lot like APO from Alias. It's an uber secret govt set-up thingie that deals with super secret and dangerous retrievals and neutralizations and that sort of thing.
Charlie Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 03:50 PM EST
One that thinks this show sucked and will continue to suck, and one that will watch it when no one else is around...
Kelly Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 03:14 PM EST
I was hesitant about watching it, firstly because of mixed reviews, and also b/c I was afraid the premise was going to be either too cheesy or too over the top. But as the pilot unfolded my liking for it grew more and more. I think they nailed it; it's a perfect mix of action and humor. I loved the two different personalities' reactions to the other man's life. It was great. I'll definitely be watching more.
I like it already, just from seeing the pilot. Which is more than I can say for the overrated Fringe. (At least the last episode of that show was finally better, here's hoping that trend continues.)
Jen80 Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 02:43 PM EST
Yes, this was a pretty damn decent show. I'll definitely be back for more.
h Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 02:15 PM EST
i wasnt highly impressed. christian slater was good but i found the actual plot and writing of the show to be rather boring. will probably stick with it for a few episodes to see where it goes. but the writing does not compare at all to fringe or some of the other shows ive caught
Joe A Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:53 PM EST
I think this show really has potential long term. The concept is a lot closer to the literary Ludlum Jason Bourne/David Webb character than the films are and could really be interesting.
A. Noymous Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:40 PM EST
I was actually impressed with the show. funny and action packed. A lot better than the hour long Ford commercial, I mean Knight Rider that is pure cheese.
Now watch NBC cancel it on us.
Kristy Tru Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:34 PM EST
I love this show. The premise reminds me a little of the movie Total Recall but I really love this show.
Karen Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:25 PM EST
I really liked it! The actors/actresses are brilliantly cast and I really appreciated how they slowly unveiled the plot line. It is definitely fun watching Slater play the bad@ss but I also enjoyed seeing Henry come into his own by the end of the first episode. I will definitely tune in next week.
Shorty Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:23 PM EST
I like this show! The plot is different from anything else on, which makes it really interesting. However, since TV viewers tend to despise different or "edgy" programming, I have a sad sinking feeling that this will go the way of "Cane" and "Jonny Zero." I hated how CBS and Fox refused to give those shows a fair shot at building a fan base before yanking them. Best of luck, Christian!
timbit_queen Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:22 PM EST
I loved this show, and of course having Slater at the helm sure as heck didn't hurt. I'm flashing back to my teen years-Gleaming the Cube, man he was hot- sighing and falling in love all over again, but this time with the man. This show is unlike any before, and I am eagerly anticipating the next episodes. Here's to hopping that it will stick around and given a fair chance. Please, don't have us hooked only to take the same way out that the 4400 was given, sorry I'm still very bitter and peaved over thatone.
Sierra Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:21 PM EST
I'm w/ Caroline & Maria on this one. The crush I had on Christian Slater has been renewed. I liked the show, it's refreshing for a change & with that said, will probably be cancelled. I hope there are many more episodes to come. Come on...How many CSI shows do we need anyway?
Frankie Wells Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 12:00 PM EST
I so seldom watch network t.v. because it is so predictable and corny. This was a surprise and I won't miss the next episode. My husband was annoyed that I didn't tell him how good it was, but during the commercial breaks, I brushed my teeth, put wash in the dryer, etc. He'll be in on the next one.
Jenny Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:59 AM EST
If not because of Christian Slater,I wouldn't sit through this new show. Great plot and hope it will continue to satisfy everyone...hmm..Edward..no.I mean Christian.
Shasta Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:34 AM EST
I started off half-watching the show and ended up loving it. A very pleasant surprise, considering how terrible "Fringe" is. I actually liked "Worst Enemy" more than the recent "Chuck" episodes. (The whole Sarah/Chuck thing is just so lame.) Christian Slater totally sells it.
Maria Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:14 AM EST
Well it confirmed one thing: the crush I had on Christian Slater in 9th grade is still alive and well.
Caroline Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:48 AM EST
I really liked it, which means it will probably be canceled straight away.
RTA Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:27 AM EST
The show passed the first test. That of keeping me interested. It has a world of potential but I'm mostly glad they didn't try to make it funny. Clever will do fine, thank you very much. Bears watching, that's for sure.
Stephanie T. Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:18 AM EST
It's not like Kidnapped and Smith where the storylines were clearly ideas for films, this show made you wonder if the real person (Henry) is somehow psychologically wanting to be his real self or if someone is playing games. The show is complex, but not that complex. Slater fits this role, a bad a-ssed secret agent who loves sadistic sex and has a wicked sense of humor. It's like his Heathers character but he's not the bad guy.
Kate Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 10:07 AM EST
Eh, it might get a chance due to lack of competition in my world, but I was flipping to the Hills and the NLCS all night.
Christi Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 09:30 AM EST
Loved the pilot. You can't just jump in, it has to unfold so be patient people! The humor was perfectly played, not forced or cheesy. I'm in for the season.
Rachel K Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 08:39 AM EST
I like Christian Slater so I'm willing to give it a couple more episodes. I have to say though, I like anything that has to do with Edward's world better, or rather anytime Slater's being bad-a**.
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