we cannot wait for the palin vs. biden speech tonite!
we've already set the DVD-R to record.
it will be fascinating to see - as there is no way in hell she will be able to prove herself after all of
the disastrous interviews she's had in the past weeks.
the whole mccain/palin campaign is nothing but a circus and a phoney.
tonite's debate will definitely be a make it or break it kinda moment.
i predict the latter as she has consistently shown how little she knows and how there is truly a lack of intelligence, education, and brain cells in that head of hers.
she is bound to fall flat on her face.
we will be watching every minute of this.
we've been counting it down all week along with david gregory, chris matthews, keith olbermann + rachel maddow.
one of the political journalists mentioned yesterday that sarah palin was simply bush in LIPSTICK.
i could not agree more!
this is gonna be real FUN to watch.
...oh, the anticipation.
let the fireworks begin!!