Tuesday, August 12, 2008

year zero + trent reznor + HBO???

Last week brought news of HBO's negotiations with Kanye West for a new reality series, now we can officially add Trent Reznor into the mix.

Year Zero, which is Reznors vision of a worldwide chaos and nuclear war could very well turn into an HBO series, according to The Los Angeles Times.

"It's the most exciting thing on the horizon, [and] it's the thing that, when I wake up in the morning, it makes me say, 'God, it would be cool if that happened,' " Reznor told the Times. "This is my grand ambition. Will it happen? I don't know. It was fun sitting and telling [the HBO] guys and watching them shake their heads and having writers on board and producers that are into it. It's been a fun thing."

Reznor has always said that he wanted to expand upon the Year Zero idea, and there have been talks to bring it onto our screens in the past, but this opportunity seems to be more promising than the others. If HBO eventually givees the green light on this project, it could very well mean a new NIN album.

"We would have a second ARG tying into the second album and [that] ties into the series, and they all happen together with a budget needed to pull that all off. There would be a tour down the road," Reznor said. "The record completes the story — the ending that no one knows. I know what happens. I knew when I started it. And it's not what people think."

MTV News

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