Tuesday, September 30, 2008

female vs. male [my perception is NOT his]

i am the typical woman + my fiance is the typical man.

this study is SO accurate its not even funny.

[scanned and uploaded from a recent allure magazine at home]

for once, postal service was quite good.

passport arrived in my mail box this weekend!

three things-

1. that was fast and it looks really cool, they've changed it to a really nice design,updated, accdg to Jimmy. His is not like mine.

2. I did not get my original passport returned to me from when I took a trip to philippines as a teenager which was very sentimental to me and upsets me that I lost it. I didnt even scan or take a pic of it for memories sake. I am a little upset about it. I think maybe it might be because my original passport had my maiden name, this one has my married name as i never changed my last name after divorcing. [i've been divorced for approx 5 yrs now]

3. it was the best piece of mail i got this weekend and quite a surprise!

have a looksie :)

IMG_3882-1 by you.

IMG_3889 by you.

IMG_3891 by you.

IMG_3883 by you.

IMG_3887 by you.

IMG_3884 by you.

AFTERNOTE: Turns out, I did get my OLD passport returned to me yesterday in the mail, days after I got the new one. HUGE sigh of relief!!!! :D

p.s. been waiting for this since last season ended.

looking forward to sunday fall season premiere of this, see below!!!


We find out what the ladies of Wisteria Lane have been up to for the last five years in the season opener

Sunday, September 28, 2008

she's crafty.

michael's arts & crafts

the calm in the storm of world crisis and own personal ills. i could spend days on end in this place, its heaven. i am in love with the wide variety of ways in which one could form a million NEW hobbies just from walking into this store IF one were rich..i wish i were rich LOL

this is scrap booking, jewelry making, card making, pen/marker/art junkie heaven!!

it inspires one to want to create.

i enter yearning to buy everything i touch and see when i enter the store however know am only there for wedding decor and have to force myself to remain focused and disciplined to not go crazy LOL. i leave overwhelmed thinking of the world of possiblilies and how many new hobbies i could begin and enhance if i started becoming a regular michael's customer.

i mentioned this to jimmy on more than one occasion. he does not like the idea. he feels it a waste of money. and thinks i have enough junk at home and that shopping there will make you broke. i disagree and get irritated. because the amounts of frivolous money he spends on his own things [ie concerts, sport games, and eating out] are easily overlooked by the likes of him and are fine and dandy. that annoys me. i see nothing wrong or that expensive about arts and crafts. and think its quite common and a thing most women, many women enjoy doing and do, no matter if rich or poor. some men just don't get it. he's one of those...

anyway a few things we came away with were these:

wedding program making pack, for printer in ivory. rather plain, so i did not take a photo of it.

and this, 'got flowers ' confetti in the prettiest mixture of purple colors that i think will match my wedding colors nicely:

IMG_3793 by you.

[you'll not feel the drowning]

warms the heart, soothes the soul. shimmers. these are the sounds that have stayed in my head these past months.

(play below)


Crane Wife, Pt. 3

And under the bowsunbelle

I'll hold in the snowy shroud

She had no heart so hardened

All under the bowsunbelle

Each feather it fell from skin

'Till thread bare and she grew thin

How were my eyes so blinded?

Each feather it fell from skin

And I will hang my head, hang my head low

And I will hang my head, hang my head low

Her grey sky with bitter skin

A rain cloud rain on me

All out behind horizon, oh

A grey sky of bitter skin

And I will hang my head, hang my head low

And I will hang my head, hang my head low

Yankee Bayonet

Heart-carved tree trunk, Yankee bayonet

A sweetheart left behind

Far from the hills of the sea-swelled Carolinas

That's where my true love lies

Look for me when the sun-bright swallow

Sings upon the birch bough high

But you are in the ground with the voles and the weevils

All a'chew upon your bones so dry

But when the sun breaks

To no more bulletin battle-cry

Then will you make a grave

For I will be home then

I will be home then

I will be home then

I will be home then


When I was a girl how the hills of Oconee

Made a seam to hem me in

There at the fair when our eyes caught, careless

Got my heart right pierced by a pin

But oh, did you see all the dead of Manassas

All the bellies and the bones and the bile

Though I lingered here with the blankets barren

And my own belly big with child

But when the sun breaks

To no more bulletin battle-cry

Then will you make a grave

For I will be home then

I will be home then

I will be home then

I will be home then

Stems and bones and stone walls too

Could keep me from you

Scaly skin is all too few

To keep me from you

But oh my love, though our bodies may be parted

Though our skin may not touch skin

Look for me with the sun-bright sparrow

I will come on the breath of the wind

Here I Dreamt I was An Architect

And here I dreamt I was a soldier

And I marched the streets of birkenau

And I recall in spring

The perfume that the air would bring

To the indolent town

Where the barkers call the moon down

The carnival was ringing loudly now

And just to lay with you

There's nothing that I wouldn't do

Save lay my rifle down

And try one, and try two

Guess it always comes down to

Alright, it's okay, guess it's better to turn this way

And I am nothing of a builder

But here I dreamt I was an architect

And I built this balustrade

To keep you home, to keep you safe

From the outside world

But the angles and the corners

Even though my work is unparalleled

They never seemed to meet

This structure fell about our feet

And we were free to go

And try one, and try two

Guess it always comes down to

Alright, okay, guess it's better to turn this way

And here in spain I am a spaniard

I will be buried with my marionettes

Countess and courtesan

Have fallen 'neath my tender hand

When their husbands were not around

But you, my soiled teenage girlfriend

Or are you furrowed like a lioness

And we are vagabonds

We travel without seatbelts on

We live this close to death

And try one, and try two

Guess it always comes down to

Alright, it's okay, guess it's better to turn this

But I won, so you lose

Guess it always comes down to

Alright, it's okay, guess it's better to turn this way

The Island: Come & See / The Landlord's Daughter / You'll Not Feel The Drowning

[Come & See]

There's an island hidden in the sound

Lapping currents lay your boat to ground

Affix your barb and bayonet

The curlews carve their Arabesques

And sorrow fills the silence all around

Come and see

There's a harbor lost within the reeds

A jetty caught in over-hanging trees

Among the bones of cormorants

No boot mark here nor finger prints

The rivers roll down to a soundless sea

Come and see

Come and see

The tides will come and go

With this bare waking eye

Who rose like the wind

Though we know for sure

Amidst this fading light

We'll not go home again

Come and see

Come and see

In the lowlands, nestled in the heat

A briar cradle rocks it's babe to sleep

Its contents watched by Sycorax

And patagon in paralax

A foretold rumbling sounds below the deep

Come and see

Come and see

The tides will come and go

Witnessed by no waking eye

Who rose like the wind

Though we know for sure

Amidst this fading light

We'll not go home again

Come and see

Come and see

[The Landlord's Daughter]

As I was rambled

Down by the water

I spied in sable

The landlord's daughter

Produced my pistol, then my saber

To make no whistle or thou will be murdered

She cursed, she shivered

She cried for mercy,

"My gold and silver if thou will release me!"

I'll take no gold miss, I'll take no silver

I'll take those sweet lips, and I'll deliver

[You'll Not Feel The Drowning]

I will dress your eyelids

With dimes upon your eyes

Laying close to water

Green your grave will rise

Go to sleep little ugly

Go to sleep you little fool

Forty-winking in the belfry

You'll not feel the drowning

You'll not feel the drowning

Forget you once had sweethearts

They've forgotten you

Think you not on parents

They've forgotten too

Go to sleep now little ugly

Go to sleep now you little fool

Forty-winking in the belfry

You'll not feel the drowning

You'll not feel the drowning

Go to sleep little ugly

Go to sleep little fool

Forty-winking in the belfry

You'll not feel the drowning

You'll not feel the drowning

Hear you now the captain

Heed his sorrowed cry

"Weight upon your eyelids

As dimes laid on your eyes"

-the decemberists

turning seven. (memory preserved in video)

To my readers,

Here are the two videos of alexcia, that are sweet and enlightening. both are only seconds long and can be played quickly. Jimmy, my fiance is in first one while Alexcia begins with how she loves uncle al [my brother whom i am closest to]

Anyway in the video where alexcia mentions uncle al, she goes on to say how she loves me , parents and even my fiance. it is so so adorable!!!! Thats why I have to share this, warms my heart :D

And mom and I are in the second one. We're both talking a bit. as we sing happy birthday to Alexcia and she blows out her birthday cake candles!!!

Btw, I am always self conscious of MY SELF on the video camera [i am not shy of being in photographs and love it but with video, i feel insecure and shy. i hate my voice, hate how I look LOL but its only a few seconds and not too focused on me so I share this.

I think you may be able to tell either in here or in next entry with real sized pix from the birthday party- that I have indeed lost weight. Actually I think I look better than I have in the past year. I don't know. Its odd how severe sickness can transform you.

I'm still mystified, I confess.

September 27, 2008

Click here: MVI_3800 : Alexcia's 7th birthday-- " I love Uncle Al"... on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Everyone, Please Let me know if you are able to view these and what you think :D


Will Post the pix in upcoming entry along with synopsis of my niece's 7th birthday as soon as time allows. I am still recovering from my ills + now Jimmy has come done with a flu of sorts. Both of us are bogged down and so time is a bit tight right now. I am going to be back later in the nite to post more about this past weekend and recent events over here.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

our world is enlightening.

wamu- seized by govt, bought by jp morgan.

that was my bank. quite unsettling although i know everyone says its nothing to worry over.

what is this world heading towards?

really, i shudder to think!

mccain's attempt to POSTPONE + bail-out of debate due to his supposed concern with economy.

McCain Halts Campaign Due to Economy

barack obama vs john mccain debate.

watched it in full. amazed at the inability for mccain to speak without stuttering, shifting, floundering, and waffling with his words, and body movements. was not very convicing and rather pathetic. he also used a sympathy tactic to get voters in regard to veterans and men of military service. this rather turned me off and it was so obvious it was and is a tactic.

the more he brags of his military service and patriotic spirit- the more desperate and pathetic he looks. im tired of him bragging of this and his use of the word 'maverick' on himself when its nothing more than a big fucking joke. he also never makes his point clearly. his answers always vague- he stumbles, rambles, never directly answering questions, wandering all over the place.

unlike mccain, obama had focused replies that answered what was asked and explained. mccain had answers without real solutions and as always was wishy washy in every sense of the word.

some of the stories he used and jokes ive heard so many times, that im tired of hearing it. no wonder he wanted to cancel, he is unable to come up with any new material. pathetic. had to hear the story of woman who gave military bracelet to him a year ago, AGAIN and also about how he hasn't been "miss congeniality" and is firm/aggressive. but all i see is a very wishy washy contradictive floundering fish, who is not decisive at all and doesn't know what he is talking about half the time + has little interest in the welfare of the average american . patriotism and american pride, to me , SHOULD involve caring about your neighbor, helping less fortunate, banding together. a whole group of people united is stronger than one person standing. it's called love thy neighbor as yourself.

mccain often resorted to low cuts to obama. while obama was honorable, respectable towards him. he made himself look so bad by doing this.

at one point, you could see mccain stewing, shifting uncomfortably and with humiliation because all the things obama said were said with calmness and strength. obama's strength is not reacting and not attacking no matter how spiteful the other opponent is. that is something to be admired.

mccain ended up looking mighty petty in my eyes and everyone else i know who's seen the debate, in my real life. obama was actually able to respond to mccain with honor and dignity and put him in his place without humiliation and low tactics of typical dirty politics.

i was disappointed that mccain seemed to detract the whole debate with his inability to stay focused and directly answer questions and often found myself restless and frustrated that he was not getting to the point or answering the question adequately enough.

i wanted to hear about mccains' choice of palin for VP when she supported earmarks which he cut down obama for doing and said he strongly opposed and voted against. what a fking hypocrite, he picked palin who obviously abused earmarks in the past and did it happily.

i won't go into how much of a joke i think palin is either just ive never seen a person [woman or man] so idiotic and moronic [ie katie couric's interview and charles gibson- palin: "i can see russia from my house/backyard?"]

you've got to be fucking kidding me!! this is who people want to run the US if the president dies. she is beyond stupid and airheadish and ignorant. she could actually be the equivalent of george bush now that i think about it who is about as smart as a donkey. ok, nuff said!

honestly, i don't get how anyone can actually want to vote for someone so unbelievably wishy-washy + vague. mccain picked his match in brainsmarts. palin and him have the size of a 'pea' in their heads. no joke.

i look forward to thursday's palin vs biden debate. i think he is going to annihilate her - our DVD-R is already set to record. i simply cannot wait!

mosaic [an exercise in creative self expression]

Instructions: Type your answer to each of the questions below into a Flickr search. Using only the first page (I cheated and found my favorite picture no matter the page number), choose your favorite image, then copy and paste each of the URL's into the mosaic maker (3 columns, 4 rows). (And, no, you don't have to have a Flickr account to do this.)
The questions:

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What school did you attend?
4. What is your favorite color?

5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One word to describe you.

contrast + compare.

reminiscing, i found this past entry from my birthday on november 1st of 2006-- it ties to my recent previous entry on the gifts i am giving alexcia on saturday for her 7th birthday as that was the first time I saw Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas and since I am nearly a Halloween baby LOL-

Since, I am nearly a Halloween baby [born day after] LOL- i found it a perfect way to spend my birthday back in 2006. my fiance took me to watch the special release for the holiday season in 3D at a really big theater in a hip area in st. pete.

you can see what i mean by the pictures below. i've just copied the past entry in order to share this memory with current faves. :) some of these are my most favorite pix of myself from that year!

this is how i used to be and look, prior to moving in with my fiance. [that's why i get depressed over the way i look as of late!]

i was a lot thinner there by ten pounds. 10 sounds tiny but on my body, its been huge + horrible. once i tackle all this wedding stuff and get situated in life, emotions sorted, treated- i intend to overcome this and conquer it. just from being sick recently, i unknowingly LOST some weight. its the lowest ive weighed in a few yrs so i was pretty shocked. im sure it has to do with cutting out coke, and drinking small servings of gingerale, water or gatorade in exchange. as well as barely eating due to pain and disinterest in food.

i am still sick as i've been all week in that i have been crampy, nauseaus, weak, feverish, coldsweat, migraines, upset stomach and all that but also just got my period so i've found a new pain to battle, the cramps have been horrible.

midol isn't even working. i still can't believe i could lose weight while i've got my period and am bloated. it always puts on a few pounds extra. i guess i really have been sick. :(

i just still can't believe that i am down to 101 pounds.

i weighed 107 in july or august.

because of being sick and also having alexcia's birthday to celebrate tomorrow- everyone felt it best i cancel my bridal gown alteration appt because my stomach is tender, sore, bloated, i have my period + my weight is uncertain now. it would have been my first fitting but it's way too overwhelming and stressful after what i've been thru this week and i am so drained from being sick that i can't emotionally handle a whole lot.

we've rescheduled for next wkend. i will be off my period by then and hopefully i will have recovered from this sickness so i can be strong enough to tackle what i need to do for my wedding. sigh.

anyway back to sharing this past memory..

i loved how these came out and it makes me wistful to be like this again.. but it's been impossible ..i am hoping i can get back to this, in the near future. i had a lot of confidence back then and this was only 2 yrs ago. i've really become so burned out lately.

anyway, i DID have so much fun posing for these..i hope i can experience that one day again :)


Pictures From my birthday this evening with Jimmy- he took me to Bay Walk in downtown St. Pete and we had dinner at a nice place called- Too Jay's. He had a chicken salad sandwich while I had a salmon fillet entree with roasted potatoes and asparagus. It was pretty good.

Afterwards, he thought he'd take me to a movie that was specially being offered there and not by him and a favorite one of his from the past- (I had never seen it but liked it and thought it was cute) Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas in 3-D film.

After, we took a few pix around bay walk and then by venoi park in st. pete, here are the pix from that nite!

Oh, he also gave me a very sweet and touching beautiful I love you card for my birthday and he wrote how much I mean to him, how happy he is to have me and how proud of me he is with the progress I've made in the past yr and that he will continue to be here to help me in the next yr and then wrote how lucky he is to have a beautiful, brilliant, caring and loving person like me and that he couldn't ask for more. I didn't open it til he had dropped me home and I was alone so it was very touching to my heart as I wasn't expecting it. (he has been expressing love to me since the beginning of october after we had an important talk but this was the first time he ever gave me a love card or anything so romantic and associated with love so it makes me very happy!)

He did give me my birthday present a week early (gucci - rush perfume) and is taking me to two concerts and included that as part of my bday gifts (the cult this friday and on tues, the twilight singers) and I think he wish he could've given more but I was very happy with what he gave me and most importantly that I got to spend any amount of time with him on my birthday. It was very sweet, nice and romantic. Anyway I just wanted to share my day and share some pictures below.

(i color fixed most of the pix, some of them I will include the original with the closer cropped version afterwards, and certain ones if they were sharp and vibrant enough- I also converted to black and white. They came out really beautifully! Enjoy :))

see below! (this was before we lived together and in our first year of dating, by the way :))

Before Jimmy picked me up with alexcia:

Then, off we went to see the special 3D version of 'the nightmare before christmas' at a theater by the pier in downtown st. pete:

+the end+

Thursday, September 25, 2008


choke comes out friday. big chuck pahlanuik fan. i have the book and had started to read it, but life sucked me in and i forgot to finish reading..i still want to get back to that book which i swear if i started now would probably be finished in a day or two. it sounded hilarious from the few pages i had read.

i love satire, social commentary, making fun of society and its flaws, dark humor and sarcasm. his writing is definitely all of that. i think choke is going to be a bit like a film i loved and wrote a review on back in 2005- which was john water's a dirty shame.

that said the soundtrack to choke sounds superb. i want to buy it for sure.

check out recently released trailer, u have to register for this one as its R rated and has suggestive sexual scenes, and nudity. choke is a dark comedy, satire about sex addicts. looks real quirky.
my fiance knows i want to see it and showed me the local paper regarding that it comes out fri. i smiled and said i knew.
the review is not too good as it got a poor rating but he said it might be worth seeing and maybe i am wistfully hoping the same, although the bad reviews are piling up as we speak... just saw another online-- that sucks and is a disappointment!

its supposedly be pretty sexual, raunchy, and controversial but NOT in a titillating way accdg to more than one review. i imagined it to be an artsy film and hope maybe the bad reviews might be proved wrong altho i am hesitant, somex the reviews that scream BOMB are utterly true.
it's a shame that the reviews aren't pointing towards success. i've already read an article that emphasizes it's not anywhere near as clever as Fight Club was and i found that a pretty amazing film with a lot of underlying meaning. it is an analytical personality's dream come true. lol
i don't know if we will go to see it this weekend as i am still struggling to feel better- even just in time for my niece's bday. but, if we don't go out and check out the film during the first week of opening - it is highly doubtful it will last very long in theaters. i will probably just settle for waiting til we can rent it via netflix.
if you've not seen the trailer by now and are interested, go here :)

Opens This Friday, September 26th


Find Showtimes & PRE-ORDER Tickets for CHOKE!

You can PRE-ORDER tickets for CHOKE now! You can also invite your own Facebook friends (!) -- via the official Web site for CHOKE, CHOKEOnThis.Net!

Join a Post-Screening Q&A with CHOKE Director Clark Gregg

In New York City: The Landmark Sunshine Cinema. Friday, September 26th. (Opening day!) Immediately following the 7PM show.

In Los Angeles: The Landmark Theatre. Saturday, September 27th. Immediately following the 7:40 PM show.

A CHOKE-Inspired Photoshop Contest!

Worth1000.com is hosting a contest in honor of "Fight Club" author, Chuck Palahniuk's latest book-turned-movie, CHOKE. They're offering a $500 Apple gift card to one lucky entrant... Check out some of our favorite entries so far here -- and how to submit your own artwork to Worth1000 here.

CHOKE Soundtrack Now Available On iTunes

AVAILABLE TODAY: The dynamic new soundtrack featuring Radiohead, Death Cab for Cutie, Fiery Furnaces, My Morning Jacket and more from ATO records! Download it from iTunes.

Gervais' Ghost Town


HE'S ALIVE! Ricky Gervais sees dead people in Ghost Town

Sarah Shatz

Watch itjavascript:mp.play('video-full', 'pmmsid:2216701');


Release Date: Sep 19, 2008; Rated: PG-13; Length: 103 Minutes; Genre: Comedy; With: Ricky Gervais and Greg Kinnear


Ghost Town is diverting enough, but it's also the kind of high-concept studio concoction Ricky Gervais might have ridiculed in his great backstage-showbiz sitcom Extras. The British comic plays Bertram Pincus, a misanthropic dentist in New York City who develops an ability to see dead people; to be specific, the dead are noodgy, solid-looking ghosts of the type that populated the Cary Grant movie Topper. Each has unfinished
 business with the living for which they want Pincus to act as intermediary — and none 
is noodgier than a slick businessman (Greg Kinnear) who was cheating on his wife (Téa Leoni) when he bit the dust. Now the remorseful dead cad wants the living dentist to stop the good widow's impending second marriage to an unsuitably dull fellow (Billy Campbell).

Gervais, who created (with Stephen Merchant) the inimitable original BBC version of The Office and starred, unforgettably, as 
incompetent boss David Brent, specializes in the hilarity of human discomfort; he's a performer who works best when supported by characters as sharp and fully drawn as 
he is. Here, though, director David Koepp (the A-list screenwriter of Spider-Man, working from his own script) handles Gervais with nervous delicacy, as if the star is an odd import whose striking, foreign comedic
 persona needs to be cushioned by squishier, more familiar American displays of mildness. (Kinnear and Leoni, too, are muted.)

Maybe now Gervais can do his own sitcom about a unique British comedian who comes to conquer Hollywood, only to find himself cast in a generic 1930s-type happy-ending romp about dentists and noodgy ghosts. B-

More with Ricky Gervais:

Dave Karger talks comedy with Ricky Gervais at the Toronto Film Festival

can hardly wait!

i adore quirky things- alexcia's gifts!!

we saw this which we actually wanted for ourselves, our own collection. i couldn't resist, i thought was a perfect gift with being so close to halloween, and a unique one that is quirky, crafty, creative, artistic, visual, entertaining, fun, funny, cute, adorable.

jimmy took me to see this a few yrs ago for my birthday in the theater for a special 3D showing. he is a huge tim burton fan. i admit i hadnt seen it or much of his films at that time. i LOVED it. it was winsome charming, sad/sweet, magical, unique. i think it is something she will love. she loves quirky funny characters that are sometimes sad. she is amused by funny weird characters and i just think if she hasn't seen this, she will enjoy it. so we got it, jimmy gave me some money towards it but i paid for most of it as my main gift to her :) i hope to see this again with alexcia sometime soon!

I just think that crooked little big face on cover is so quirky and adorable!!!!

I saw this a few months ago at Target and KNEW I had to get this for alexcia. she LOVES pampering her boo boo's and goes to great lengths to let everyone know when she is hurt by showing us her bandaids.

Sometimes her boo boo is really not as bad as she makes it and i think she just likes the attention or nurturing she might get from people around her. i don't think this is unusual cos i've noticed and heard that other kids her age [her peers] do this. her daddy is always getting annoyed at her + downplaying her feelings, getting irritated when she wants a bandaid or puts one on. i realize he doesnt like waste and he's anal and all that but he does diminish her feelings when he does this and both my mom and me always jump to alexcia's defense, fight with him just to get her feelings acknowledged. so..anyway, i hope my brother doesnt get annoyed at me for buying this, i think he will make a sarcastic remark when he sees it- but OH WELL, its my gift, he can't control what i want to give, and my mom was all for this gift and said to ignore him and buy it for her.

As anyone who knows my niece from the start, she has loved NEMO since a tiny tot and its a film we watched together numerous times when it first came out. and yes until her i never really watched cartoon films or that type of stuff. but she's changed me, i now see it differently. it was smart, funny, adults can relate, and really moving that its a relationship between father and a son that is without a mother. about love and lettting go and touching. so we love nemo and its one thing we can both think of and bring up and it makes us feel close. its part of our bond, that memory.

So this is what i got her in reference to NEMO :D

i love nemo, he's so cute :)
how can you not love him?

it's a bit blurry but notice the description on bottom, she will love this: "For fast relief from boo-boos, bumps and bruises"

you may notice on the left hand side is the cutest japanese character stuffed animal bag holder named DOMO- both jimmy and i couldnt resist this. he bought this for alexcia himself :)

i love this cute character cos it looks funny and odd, i want one for myself!! as we all know, alexcia is a sweet tooth and sugar addict and since halloween is coming, all the halloween promotions are beginning to trickle out. this was one of them as it has a big bag of candy, a whole bunch of candy bracelets with cute little domo creatures hanging from it. ADORABLE. another thing for daddy to complain about. haha.

there is absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that alexcia will LOVE having bandaids of her favorite cartoon character spongebob. I considered buying it with the nemo cold compress however hesitated cos my brother might get mad at me for getting this. i told this to jimmy. he actually urged me to buy it regardless of the fact that it will drive my bro anthony CRAZY. plus it was on sale. jimmy just felt she would love this so much, so i got it!

and i've already explained DOMO earlier.
isn't he cute??!!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

yesterday's today show + brush with fame.

Jimmy was on the Today show when Matt lauer and Al Roker were at Univ. of Tampa where he works so he recorded it at home and we are going to save it. He was all excited becos he is in the crowd. It was funny cos he had to pause it before I could even see him but it totally is a good view of him and its obvious its him if you pause the film :)

He was hoping Obama would have a secret interview but it didnt turn out the way.

Earlier in the daytime, Jimmy had written me about the excitement of the today show filming and seeing some of it early this morning. he left an hr early to try to be there, before work! This was his email to me today!

Hi Babe,

Obama wasn’t here. There was a rumor going around all morning that he was going to be here and that “someone” was supposed to make a special appearance at 8:30am, but nobody showed. The show started at 7:00am, but I didn’t get here until almost 7:30am. I did manage to work my way into a few spots behind where they were filming, so I may have made it on TV once or twice if you can see me behind the big signs that were blocking my view. Debbie and Lynne definitely made it on because they were up front and got phone calls from family that saw them on the show. I took a few pictures of Matt Lauer and Al Roker, and Matt asked me how I was doing when he walked by. Not my biggest celebrity moment, but all of the ladies were swooning over him and getting his autograph. A Tampa politician, Bob Buckhorn, introduced himself to me and shook my hand…maybe because I was wearing my Obama button and he knew a few older ladies in Obama shirts that were standing by me.

Jimmy also got this handout flyer at the university that we both found highly amusing and funny. I couldnt help but scan it so I could share with others. I love the little dinosaur I must admit.

I titled the photo file on my computer as 'he's a dinosaur of a man' then uploaded it on my photo account. check it out :DI don't know if anyone has heard but its all over news about McCain trying to cancel tomorrows much anticipated debate with Obama which we had set to record on our DVD-r. Personally I think it is a crock and its obvious he is stalling. His ratings have gone considerably down in the past few days and accdg to polls, Obama is more favored based on various news report, cnn news and articles i have read online in the past two days. I think its suspect as to why he is asking for a postponement. Obama has spoken live just recently and he wishes to go on. I wonder what the outcome will be. This political year sure is heated and full ot twists and turns. I think this is one to watch, and will be monumental to USA's history- for sure.

ps i am still not back to normal or recovered from illness. its been hard to eat the last few days and ive even given up soda. only drink gatorade or water which is hard for me since i am a total coca cola addict and need caffeine. sucks. my stomach still feels unsettled. it may take all week to feel better. sigh :/

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the 'first dude' abides.

I found this hilarious clip on a site and shared it with Jimmy over the weekend. We were dying laughing because it is Absolutely Hilarious! Check it out below.

Click here: YouTube - TPMtv: The First Dude Abides

interview with possible future 'first dude' to-be-- todd palin.

(for laughs)

Monday, September 22, 2008

alexcia in action.

end of august, alexcia playing ball with jimmy [who is not pictured- the guy in the background who is dark is my brother, alexcia's father. this is their place in clearwater.]

she has loved spongebob ever since a little baby- even when she couldn't walk yet and was still crawling. when she lived with me and my parents- i spent a lot of time watching her fave cartoons with her to bond and be with her, and i find these memories are some of my fondest ones. never really watched cartoons til she was born [i mean aside from when i was a child and growing up] so from her i learned new appreciation for cartoons and realized how in ways there is a lot of quirky humor in kid's cartoons that i really 'get' and think very amusing and also that some have real deep meanings behind them with moving stories and often lessons behind it. in ways i think these cartoons can appeal to adults- some seem to be dually for kids and their parents. i really liked that. spongebob was my fave for a long time and when i visit alexcia, if its on, we usually watch it together. i still find it pretty funny and enjoyable. :)