Thursday, October 9, 2008

a dirty race- fear mongering indicates SORE loser.

Mccain deeply failed at this past tuesday's debate with Barack Obama. as usual - he threw out jokes and cheap remarks that were hardly even funny or appropriate. he even seemed to insult the moderator tom brokaw. how does someone fall so far below grace and not realize it? I realize that he is perhaps an idiot and a moron but can anyone really be that oblivious or far away from themselves and their actions?

When I watch Mccain, whether it be debate or town rally - I am continually reminded of some weird freak side show. His whole campaign is nothing more than a fluke and a sham, full of lies, hypocrisy and contradiction.

Critics said that Mccain would need to make some 'game-changing' moves in this recent debate in order to take over the lead in the race. but if there was any 'game-changing', it wasn't in front of the cameras rolling, no doubt. instead what i watched was a rather pathetic cringe-worthy performance of a [sorry to sound harsh] sinister creepy little man.

He did not convince me that he was solid in anything he was saying, or upfront and honest/truthful. Not only that but the more he spoke, the more he contradicted hard to argue facts of his past and things he had previously voted on. What he was for in the past, apparently is not what he stands for today. I find it very hard to believe someone so obviously stubborn minded would change or flip flop that drastically and I only become further convinced he will say whatever it takes to win. It does not bother him if any form of deception is used to get what he wants. but it bothers me and most people with an intelligent logical mind.

There is no doubt in my mind he completely lost to obama and there wasn't even any challenge b/t the two. That is HOW weak and pathetic mccain's performance was. He completely sucked. How could anyone buy into this man's answers or principles at all??

We continue to marvel at how any person could buy into what he is selling or not see right thru who he really is. I just have a hard time understanding how anyone in their right mind could WANT to support someone like him or Palin.

There are so many things wrong with their plan..I don't even know where to begin. It's vague, wishy washy, not logical or practical and definitely not for the average middle class citizen in our country. It only caters to people like them, affluent people, celebrities, and business people who have more money than they know what to do with.

here are the top mistakes Mccain made.

MORE reasons why i think mccain is NOT the one for president.

1- referring to Obama as "That ONE" was not only disrespectful but shocking. he spoke to him with hostility and disdain, a kind of contempt that was very transparent and less than professional. his condescending tone made me squirm in my seat. it was indeed an uncomfortable moment to watch on screen. i personally believe that people who are great debaters treat others with dignity and respect no matter how much one is viewed as the enemy. acting like a 'loser' never makes anyone a 'winner.'

2- mccain was so wishy washy and uncooperative when asked to prioritize what needs to be accomplished in the US for the best interest of country/people. that says a lot to me. that he has no idea what he is doing - what a fucking airhead/ the more i watch, the more i am convinced, there isnt much inside that brain. he then tried to convince the audience that it was unnecessary to tackle things in any order or prioritize as it could all be done at once. he did NOT convince me in the least.

he only convinced me that he truly is "out there", does not know what he is doing and is not skilled to be the leader of any thing period. his way of problem-solving and goal making sounds disorganized, chaotic and unfocused if you ask me. and completely UNdoable. he is not what our country needs. he will put the nail in the coffin if elected to head our country. it is a frightening thought.

3- when asked by brokaw if healthcare was a: privilege, responsibility, OR right. obama chose it was a RIGHT which is the way i think and the way i think most people in this country think it should be, but it is not. while mccain chose RESPONSIBILITY- i don't think so. then he went further on to say that it was important for small businesses to have good healthcare available. and i was thinking, mccain ONLY cares about businesses, he doesnt care about the families, children, and the lower and middle class people who either cannot afford healthcare or are unable to attain affordable insurance. more proof he doesn't care for the average person in this world.

4- and last, that wise zen-like question given to both candidates to close the debate. mccain's answer said it all and told me why it would be a drastic mistake to vote for the likes of him. i felt like if other people didn't see why it would be such a horrible mistake to choose him OR didn't wake up from his vague uncertain and obviously unconfident statement, then they must not be very bright in the head. he is so NOT qualified to be president, it is NOT even funny.

no offense but i don't want a man who says to the world he has no absolutely no clue about the future. in all honesty, it doesn't sound like he is too interested in learning or investing himself to make the future of the US great.

i felt it very telling when he was asked the following question:

what is something that you don't know or lack skill in, but look forward to learning once elected president of the united states??

mccain simply stated: "I don't know what's gonna happen"

that answer sums up all the reasons NOT to vote for him!

***afternotes, things i found tacky or stood out to me:

1- i got tired of hearing mccain saying 'my friends' cos everytime he said it i felt it strangely radiated spewing animosity NOT anything that would feel even remotely "friendly" more like what you say to an enemy!

chris matthews on hardball made mention of this and made a sarcastic joke that had me laughing.

2- mccain patting the military [navy] man to show everyone how much he supports our troops and veterans. it was completely meant to show off for the tv cameras rolling, to make people think what a TRUE hero and great man mccain truly is. it was so unnatural and so obvious that this was only played up for the cameras because the whole world was watching.

3- keith olbermann called it the schizophrenic campaign which made me laugh and pointed out mccain's interesting freudian slip during one part of the debate where he inadvertently referred to the citizens as 'prisoners' interesting slip.

3- cindy mccain is another one i can do with out and makes me sick. her pretentious face and million dollar clothes, probably plastic surgery face/body. with carbon copy daughter. her outspoken mention in a mccain/palin rally in the midwest of how Obama did not support the troops and her son who was going to the middle east and how he had voted against a bill so he was anti-our troops, not patriotic or american as they are.

funny how i later saw reports on every famous political host show, proving the way in which john mccain had voted against the VERY same bill and how the reason why obama voted against funding of troops had to do with wanting the men to be sent home, if the funding passed, it meant there would be NO time table as to when they'd be sent home from the war. WHEREAS mccain himself voted AGAINST funding in the same bill but for horrible reasons, he voted against it because he wanted NO TIME TABLE as to when the troops would be sent home.

this shows you who really cares about our precious military men and womens' lives. mccain certainly doesnt mind if our troops spend the rest of their lives in war, til death and never seeing their family again. he really isn't much of a humanitarian and lacks depth or feeling for anyone other than himself and his objectives - thats truly sad. and despicable.

4- and let's not forget mccain and palin the attack dog's new tactics to play dirty in all of their rallies by continually suggesting obama is a terrorist and using fear-mongering to get the crowd excited. one crowd member at palin's clearwater rally even screamed, kill him. this was played on msnbc several times this wk by various political journalists. it was eerie and quite disturbing to me. that reaction and their new tactic to make everyone believe obama is really a terrorist is beyond fucking disgusting. most people i know are sick of politicians who use dirty name calling in order to win. IF mccain thinks he is going to win on this tactic alone, he has got to be f***ing kidding himself. has he taken a look at any of the recent polls where obama is approx 11 points AHEAD of mccain. there is nothing I HATE more than a person who is clearly a SORE LOSER!

Highlights/headlines/Snippet Before and After Tuesday's Debate

Obama Raises Expectations, Questions McCain's Temper: National Press Secretary Bill Burton releases a memo touting John McCain's experience with the town hall format, while also wondering if McCain will "continue his refusal to even look at Obama on stage -- like in their first debate." The memo also suggests that McCain will "launch his nastiest attacks" yet at tonight's debate.

McCain's challenge: lay off the stunts. Everyone knows he LOVES to win some newscycles. But he's starting to resemble Gob Bluth from ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. I WILL MAKE THE BOAT DISAPPEAR! I WILL BREAK OUT OF A VIETNAMESE PRISON! Where does it end, John? Don't eat the Skip's Scramble!

"That One," McCain Calls Obama In Debate (VIDEO)

During a discussion about energy, McCain punctuates a contrast with Obama by referring to him as "that one," while once again not looking in his opponent's direction (merely jabbing a finger across his chest). That's not going to win McCain any Miss Congeniality points. Nor will it reassure any voters who believe McCain is improperly trying to capitalize on Obama's "otherness."

This goes beyond refusing to look at Obama in the first debate. With this slightly dehumanizing phrase, McCain may have just played into the emerging narrative of Obama-hate that has been sprouting at McCain-Palin rallies.

Darren Davis, a professor at Notre Dame who specializes in role of race in politics, writes about McCain's "that one" line. "It speaks volumes about how McCain feels personally about Obama. Whomever said the town hall format helps McCain is dead wrong."

A few minutes later, Obama spokesman Bill Burton placed his foot on the pedal ever so slightly. In an email blast to reporters, he asks: "Did John McCain just refer to Obama as 'that one'?" No other commentary followed, nor did any mention of race. But expect the post-debate analysis to get a little focused on whether McCain just made a regrettable faux pas.

Off random Blog found this from: Lost Zen Puppy

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Editing of the PPGP is weirding out — duplication will occur.

LZP: Can it get any odder?

Screw haters bigtime!

We have too many haters out there. You have to wonder how true the tales of Palin as racist are —

Did she refer to Obama as "Little Black Sambo?"

And how ironic would it be if he pulled a "Tiger Butter" fake out on her or top of the ticket?

We know McCain is a hater. He's been captured on video while at it. We know he thinks he's being authentic and "salty" when he called Asian Americans "gooks" ... but he is just being close minded and insensitive.

We know he makes sexist jokes about women and their sexuality or 2nd class people who enjoy rough sex with rapists. He needs to be gone. They should step down.

On a Lighter note, see link below for amusing pictures:

Pop Eater: Stars Speak Out on Sarah Palin